Today is: Feb. 10, 2025
Call 1-866-US VISAS

Contacting Goulder Immigration Law Firm

Office Location(s)

3200 Northline Avenue, Suite 130
Greensboro, North Carolina 27408
Telephone: 336-808-1119
F ax 336.294.3063
Fax: 336-294-3063 Toll Free Voice: 866-US VISAS (1-866-878-4727)


Our immigration law clients are located throughout the U.S. and the world.  We work with prospective clients, initially, through an initial consultation appointment which can be in the office or by telephone.

We offer complete I-9 and employment eligibility counsel and services to clients.

We also have a regular newsletter available at no cost.

Goulder Immigration Law Firm is a full service immigration law firm. We have clients throughout the United States and around the world.
We provide complete immigration counsel for:

  • Family-based Permanent Residence ("Green Card");
  • Spouse Visas;
  • Fiancee Visas;
  • Naturalization to Citizenship;
  • Employment-based Permanent Residence ("Green Card");
  • Nonimmigrant temporary employment visas
    -H-1B Visas
    -H-2A and H-2B Visas
    -J Visas for Cultural Exchange Visitors
    -L Visas for Intra-Company Transfers
    -E Visas for Treaty Investors and Treaty Traders
  • Physician visa counsel for H-1B Visas, State Conrad J Waivers, and National Interest Waivers
  • I-9 employment eigibility verification
  • Company immigration counsel for corporate restructures, mergers and acquisitions

Consultation appointments are available at our office in Greensboro, North Carolina or by telephone. Contact Goulder Immigration Law Firm for an initial consultation appointment by phone 1-866-US VISAS or (336) 808-1119 or email: goulder At

This is an advertisement. The Goulder Immigration Law Firm is the law office of Gerald Goulder and limits its practice predominantly to US immigration and naturalization law; and we do not claim expertise in the laws of states other than Nort Carolina. The information contained on this site is intended to educate members of the public generally and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Readers are cautioned not to attempt to solve individual problems on the basis of information contained herein and are strongly advised to seek advice from an experienced immigration attorney regarding specific case situations. The information on this website may not be up to date and should not be relied on without the advice and representation of your attorney. The links to government agencies and other websites are provided as a convenience only and no warranty express or implied is made regarding the accuracy of information obtained from those websites.